The Atrium Building

The Atrium Building provides 153 new homes on a 0.47 hectare site (326 dwellings per ha) with a mix of 23 x 1 and 118 x 2 bed flats, and 12 x 2 bed maisonettes, a tenure mix of 60% private and 40% affordable (including shared ownership) units, with sizes ranging from 38 to 82 m2, averaging 65m2, and 55 car parking spaces. The building provides an innovative solution to the difficulties of building adjacent to a busy main road.

It is the penultimate phase of Area 3 of the Canning Town and Custom House Regeneration project known as East City Point, linear in form and aligned with, and on the south side of, the A13, a major arterial road running east-west. Dwellings are protected from traffic noise, pollution and weather by the atrium. All the air coming into the building circulates naturally up from the south side, away from the A13, and the linear form of the building offers protection to the rest of the site. The Atrium Building’s south elevation looks onto a new, traditional tree-lined street (Hammersley Road). The atrium provides good visual connections internally and the central winter garden is a memorable focus. Each of the four stair ways contains external secure storage for refuse and recycling, designed to minimise travel distances for residents and for collection. The building won the LABC National Award for Best High Volume Residential scheme 2018 and was a finalist in the 2017 Housing Design Awards.

See fly through

See Countryside LABC press release

See Housing Design Awards page

See also East City Point

We’re proud to feature in @nlalondon's Public Housing research, showcasing exemplars of design quality, innovation in delivery and community engagement which are making a positive contribution to public housing delivery in London: #NLAPublicHousing.

The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building
The Atrium Building