Freedom Quay Housing, Hull

This project was commissioned by three clients: Hull Citybuild appointed us to design new housing to wrap around an existing multi-storey car park, to set the scene for Hull's new riverside quarter, Humber Quays, set within the Old Town Conservation Area.

We then worked with developer Nikal to implement the scheme and obtain a revised consent, and finally with contractor Houlton, to build it. 

On a corner site, the L-shaped building provides residents with spectacular long views over the Humber and allows them to enjoy the special qualities of light reflected on water. 

As envisaged by Hull Citybuild's masterplan Freedom Quay promotes high standards for new development to attract people to life at the heart of the city, and helps to retain those who already live and work there or study at the university.

The massing of the building derives from an analysis of the urban grain, plot widths and architectural details of the historic buildings of the Old Town: roofscape, roofline, cornice, bay, special treatment of ground floor and materials. 

It seeks to extend the qualities of the Old Town through contemporary details of a similar scale and spirit, without pastiche.

The rear elevations close off views over existing housing to the west while allowing daylight and sunlight to penetrate the circulation spaces and rear faces of the new dwellings.

When launched in February 2007 most of the new homes were sold within three hours.

Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull
Freedom Quay Housing, Hull