Kingsland Road

This project comprises doctors and dentists surgeries on the ground floor with 9 flats above (the homes themselves are all private for sale).The development is on a prominent corner along Kingsland Road, which forms the start of the A10 in Hackney, East London.The site is within the Kingsland Conservation Area and is opposite the Grade II listed Bradbury Studios and the Grade I listed Museum of the Home (formerly the Geffrye Museum) to the south.

Community care facilities are provided in the form of doctors and dentists surgeries.We are designing the internal fit-out of these facilities including layout of consulting rooms, specialist equipment, ventilation services and finishes.We have followed Department ofHealth Building Notes for guidance on best practice design, hygiene & space standards

We played a key role in helping our client to maximise the commercial feasibility of the siteover a period of more than 10 years.The buildings originally on the site were only two storey.We obtained planning consent for a six storey development in June 2011, following which the purchase of the site was completed in November 2013.

We have since worked with our client to develop several revised proposals to improve the layout and avoid existing below ground services on the site. The new proposals take account of comments made by the planning and conservation officers during consultation with respect to the Conservation Area and adjacent listed buildings.We also reviewed the unit numbers and mix, to assess the potential for increasing the commercial return on the site. Agreement in principle was obtained from the planing department for an additional storey and 6 further flats.Our client decided to retain the original mix and unit numbers having considered their funding arrangements, although a revised approval was sought to improve buildability, and financial return.

To assist with the implementation within our clients budget, we facilitated the appointment of a project manager, and negotiated with Rooff Construction to undertake the construction. Rooff had a Pre Contract Service Agreement (PCSA) to support the completion of the design and following this, we were novated to Rooff to provide the construction information.The project started on site in July 2018.

The site is in a densely populated area with a mix of building uses consisting of residential,commercial, healthcare and community/cultural uses.The site itself is situated next to a four storey residential block to the north named Jon Anderson Court and a four storey block to the west named John Parry Court. A six storey residential and commercial block has recently been constructed to the south, on the corner of Hare Walk. Good relationships with existing residents have been fostered during construction through, for example:

  • Measures from the Considerate Constructors Scheme
  • Regular newsletters to residents.
  • Secure and well maintained site boundary with solid hoarding.
  • Opening up of Hare Walk whenever possible out of hours (even though this is part of the site)

We were Architects and Lead Designers, and employed a fulldesign team including Structural (Edge Structures), M&E services (Norman Bromley Partnership), Planning Consultant (Quadrant),Quantity Surveyor & Project Manager (RLF).

As well as maximising development in a Conservation Area close to listed buildings, the scheme deals with complex rights of light, daylight and sunlight issues, underground services and retained mature trees.

Kingsland Road
Kingsland Road
Kingsland Road
Kingsland Road
Kingsland Road
Kingsland Road
Kingsland Road
Kingsland Road
Kingsland Road
Kingsland Road